Friday, January 11, 2008


Day before racing! Stared as every other day. Breakfast of the same stuff, back upstairs to hang out before morning workout. Today I actually got to do the jog! But the boys went off on their own and we went a much slower pace with Tricia. we jogged down a cool bike path they have here and at one point we went by this wall with really artistic graffiti, but not so appropriate. Actually it was quite disturbing. No details. And this part of town is mostly industrial, so it was pretty boring other than that. After our light jog, we came back, and we had to go right over to the rink cause we had blood doping testing! they took a whole vile full of our blood! NOT FUN. But even us girls survived.

After we returned to the hotel, we went down and had lunch, which was the normal food, except some really good chicken stuffed with herbs and veggies was there too. That was delicious. After lunch we had a ton of time so us girls went to the store to get some things to take home, and a hair straightener for the last night. we came back, napped go ton the computer, listened to the pod, called home then got ready for practice. Practice was pretty good, but my legs felt like crap whenever I tried to move them fast. But I figured the problem was that I was dehydrated, so I knew I just needed to drink some water. Any if any of you know me, I need water to operate.

So we finished up, came home, and pretty much passed out. I know, not much to tell, but that's how we wanted it for the day before racing started. Hope you are going to keep up with the racing! Ill try to post but again, ill be pretty busy! OK. Ciao Ciao for now!

-Ciao di Cielo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sky! Okay first of all....I have no idea how to use this blogger thing...but I just had to make one to leave you a comment!!

GOOD LUCK!!! And I freaking love reading what the heck is going on over there! Your bloggy things are so good...It sounds like you're having a blast!! I saw the results from today....nice job girl! Tell Walter to watch where he's going...getting DQed...sheesh! And JR and Kyle....both in the A final!!!!! Tell them awesome job!!!

For sure keep this thing rolling....and good luck for the rest of the weekend!!!!